Vartman Textiles : About


Sourcing, Quality, Reliability, Services

Vartman Textile is one of the fastest emerging provider of textile supply chain solutions. We facilitate international trade of Fibers, Yarns, Fabrics. Vartman has a pool of techno-commercial experts with a wide range of experiences in the international market. While you focus on your business, leave your sourcing and quality to us.

Vartman Textiles : World Map

With years of international marketing experience and multi-national sales channel, we have all the resources and advantages expected of a leading sourcing partner, which enable us to provide you with the products you need, when and where you need them. We work as a partner with you to source you your best raw materials. While you focus on your business, leave your sourcing to us. We ensure peace of mind and ease of business for you. We believe in long term partnerships and commitments with our customer. Carrying a wide range of stocks in some of our product categories and deliver in assortments to our customers. We offer a diverse portfolio of different products covering fibers, yarns, fabrics.

Why Vartman Textile


We recognize the challenges and opportunities our clients are facing in today's highly competitive and increasingly complex markets. Utilizing our strategic sourcing services for textiles, Vartman can leverage your internal resources and suppliment them with our time, our market intelligence and our own resources to ensurre you are getting the best price from the best products at the highest quality in the right lead-time.


We have established quality management system in our company. This helps us to ensure high and consistent quality of our products and services to be supplied to our customers. Our continuous improvement process helps us to meet customer's high expectations.


Reliability and flexibility is important to our customers. We focus on this everyday to maintain the trust of our customers. We know how important it is for our customers to have a reliable and flexible supplier. We do our utmost to deliver on time every time as per our agreed contract.


Timeley shipment and swift documentation are the strength of our company. Our highly experienced team is always there to handle customers queries on top priority and enable to process shipments in minimum possible time and through shortest transit route.


Our mission is to provide our customers with the most effective supply chain solutions across the globe utilizing best technology, delivering quality products and services at the most competitive prices to sustain long-term business partnerships. Our strategy to achieve this goal is simple: via customer centricity. The customer is always at the center of our business

  • Vartman is committed to provide supply chain solutions and quality products and services, walking the 'extra mile.'
  • We will always endeavor to satisfy our customers’ needs and exceed expectations through win-win relationships and delight them.
  • To attract and nurture the best talent and strive towards individual and organizational excellence
  • Respect: Everybody is respected and valued in the company, therefore we comply with the rules and internal policies that ensures a good working environment.
  • Quality: We strive for comprehensive quality in our employees, processes and products in accordance with current market demands and globalization
  • Professionalism: To be aware of our responsibilities, to take the necessary measures in time in order to provide the best service in the name of responding to all the expectations and needs of valuable customers in the field of service by being customer-oriented.
  • Teamwork: We offer to our team members our confidence, talent and enthusiasm so that they can achieve common objectives with superior results.
Vartman Textiles : Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility

We understand social responsibility is a moral obligation on a company that is useful to society. In order to contribute to the betterment of society, we strictly work as per our code of conduct and this code of conduct is also followed by our supply chain partners. According to our COC, discrimination, child worker, forced worker and inhuman treatment is prohibited.